Page 57
Fuck, this isn’t what I ever wanted for my son.
Or Lilly.
Still kicking and screaming, Chance reaches for me as Lilly opens the car door. “Z, what do I—”
“Go home. Tell Rock what happened. He’ll know who to call,” I answer as calmly as possible. The last thing I want to do is scare her or Chance any more than they already are.
“Shut up!” one of the cops shouts. “Head down. Arms over your head!”
I watch Lilly wrestle Chance into his car seat, powerless to do a damn thing. Four fucking cops standing around and no one bothers to help her.
Fucking assholes.
“Back off,” Murphy snarls.
The cop who’d kicked me slugs Murphy in the gut. “Since you’re so worried about your brother, why don’t you join us, Mr. O’Callaghan.”
Great, they know Murphy too. This can’t be good. Are they here for me specifically or the whole damn club?
Murphy takes harder hits for fun. From skilled fighters. He’s not intimidated by the rogue cop’s punch. He sneers in the cop’s face. “For what?”
“Interfering with an officer.”
“Easy, Allan,” one of the other officers warns.
This is a fucking nightmare. My son’s hysterical. Lilly’s shaking and unable to move. This whole clusterfuck is blocking her car, so she can’t leave.
Fuck, I promised her everything would be okay. How’d they even know about the bombing? A mess like this might send Lilly running right back to California.
I look up and catch Lilly’s eye. “It’s okay,” I mouth to her. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She pulls her shoulders back and lightly touches the mermaid around her neck.
Some sort of signal?
“Stronger together,” she says just loud enough for me to hear with all the noise around us.
Her way of telling me she’s not going anywhere.
Behind us, more brothers come out of the clubhouse.
“Prez?” Rooster calls out.
“Go back inside,” I order over my shoulder. “I’ve got this.” Fuck knows I don’t need these asshole cops getting trigger happy with my family in the crossfire.
“You heard your prez,” one of the cops sneers. “Walk away, bro.”
“Fuck you, pig!” Sparky yells. “Get the fuck off our property.”
God bless you, Sparky, but shut the fuck up.
“Is someone planning to tell me what this is about?” I ask.
The first cop shoves a piece of paper in my face. “We have a warrant for your arrest, Mr. Frazier.”
Z and Lilly’s story continues in
Zero Apologies (Lost Kings MC #14)
Available, here.
Universal link, here.
Chapter Forty-Nine
Zero Apologies
Zero and Lilly, Part 3 (Lost Kings MC #14)
One by one, the lies have been unraveled.
I’ve shed blood to protect Lilly. To protect our family.
I’d do it again and again as long as it means she’s safe.
It’s time to marry her, cherish her, and spend the rest of our lives together.
We were so close to our happy ending.
Then chaos swept it away.
The road ahead remains unknown.
Loyalty, honor, brotherhood.
Kings forever, forever Kings.
I’ll never betray my club.
Even if it means losing everything.
Dying for something to read between now and Zero Apologies? Sign up here for my newsletter to get new episodes of Kickstart My Heart delivered to your inbox a couple times a month!
Coming This Summer…!
Love, Loyalty & Mayhem: A Motorcycle Club Romance Anthology
Bad Boy Alpha Alert!
Twenty of your favorite MC authors come together to bring you brand new, never released stories from some of your favorite motorcycle clubs.
Life with a biker is an adventure full of twists and turns. When love is involved, MC men never back down from what they want—they fight for it.
Loyalty is the foundation in any motorcycle club. Break it, they break you. There isn’t a line they won’t cross to protect who or what they claim as their own.
These men live a life made by their own set of rules. Chaos tends to always find them. You cross them, the consequences are swift.
Hold on for the ride as this talented group of authors come together to bring you an anthology like no other.
Your favorite clubs, new clubs, and everything in between can be found in this collection filled with suspense, action, adventure, romance and so much more!
Participating Authors Include:
Amo Jones
Autumn Jones Lake
Avelyn Paige
Bink Cummings Author
Chelsea Camaron Author
Author Glenna Maynard
Author Kristen Hope Mazzola
Author L Wilder
Laramie Briscoe – Romance Author
Laura Kaye
Author M.Robinson
MariaLisa deMora
Mary Martel Author
Nicole Jacquelyn
Nicole James
Author Nina Levine
Author Ryan Michele
Sapphire Knight
Terri Anne Browning-Author
Winter Travers
**All profits from the Love, Loyalty & Mayhem: A Motorcycle Club Romance Anthology will be donated to Bikers Against Bullies USA.
BAB USA is a national not-for-profit organization created by bikers to raise awareness and empower the community to fight the terrible effects of bullying on young people through education, community outreach and fundraising.
Author Notes
I probably wouldn’t have to get my roots tou
ched up as often if I planned these things out ahead of time. Honestly, it’s my goal one day to have everything all neatly planned out and organized months and months in advance. One day.
Maybe halfway to my editing deadline (okay right up to and after my deadline) I kept saying, “This doesn’t feel right. I think it needs to be three books.”
Anyone who knows me, knows I adore my readers. I’m still humbled and amazed I even have readers. And I agonize over giving them the best story possible. Every. Single. Time.
I kept lying to myself that Zero Regret would be the end of Z and Lilly’s story. There was a big surprise at the end. A lot of awesome, touching, and funny stuff happened. But…the end also felt really rushed. There were a lot of key events that happened all in the last 18,000 words. It was good, great really. I liked it. But it didn’t feel complete. Worse, one particular main storyline wasn’t wrapped up. Mr. Lake kept saying, “well, wrap it up in a later book.”
That didn’t feel right though, as it would leave Zero Regret feeling incomplete or like it had an unsatisfying ending. (I’m sure you’re thinking, but now it’s really incomplete, bitch!)
Then I went to this conference, which was good and bad. Good, because I needed to get away from the book for a while. Bad, because it was super-close to release time (why do I do that to myself!?) So, I’m sitting there in a class on how to improve your story and bam! I had this epiphany of how Zero Regret should end and that there definitely needed to be a third book. I furiously scribbled it all down and decorated it with a bunch of little question marks around it. Could I actually do that?
Then a couple hours later, I was like, “Nope, I can’t do that. I already said it’s only a duet.”
I called Mr. Lake that night and we talked forever and I think he was excited about the new idea, but he usually waits to see where I’m at before giving his opinion. So he asked me, “A year from now are you going to regret that you didn’t follow this storyline?”
I’ll stop here and say I get LOTS of fantastic ideas all the time. I’ve also learned that not every great idea is meant to be a book. I’ve had tons of ideas I haven’t followed but none stand out enough to bother me.