Page 31
Hope grabs my arm and shakes her head. “Oh, no, the mean girls hang out there after work. I know this bar next door that has much nicer people in it.”
I shrug and follow her. I notice the woman from earlier who sneered at me on the tour heading into that bar. She definitely didn’t give me friendly vibes.
The bar Hope brings me to is light and bright, with pretty fairy lights surrounding the liquor on the shelves. The bartender greets Hope by name. He’s a large guy, probably the same size as Blake, but with tattoos covering his arms and what I can see of his chest. He has blue eyes similar to Hope’s, but his head is shaved bald.
Hope orders us two daiquiris from the bartender. “Thanks, Jason.”
“So, how was your first day?” Hope turns on her barstool toward me.
“It was good. There’s definitely going to be a learning curve, but I think I’ll be able to hack it.”
The bartender sets our drinks in front of us and gives Hope a wink.
“What’s your story?” Hope asks innocently and sips her drink.
“Where are you from and how did you wind up here?” She sits back and stares intently at me.
“I grew up in a rural community in the Midwest. My parents have a farm. We raised cows and pigs and grew corn and alfalfa. I did well in school, so I got a scholarship to Fletcher University and spent the last four years of my life grinding through coursework and internships so that I could wind up here at Morrigan Technology Group.”
She nods. “That’s a pretty straight life.”
I give her a small smile. “Left little room to color outside the lines.”
It’s what draws me to these four men and what they can do to me. I’ve never been as turned on in my life as they made me today. I want to experience it all, and I hope they end up feeling the same.
They could always decide this won’t work for them. Then I’ll have to tame myself enough to act like I don’t want them every day I work for them. Day in and day out. And at night go home with them and maybe see them bring home other women who will suit their fantasies better.
I definitely don’t want that. I drink my daiquiri.
“What about you?” I ask Hope.
She smiles. “I’m a pretty straight case too. Though I grew up here. My brother owns a bar near where I work, so that makes life good.”
“Jason is your brother?” I glance at the huge guy and at her petite stature.
“I took after Mom, and he took after Dad.” She shrugs. “It’s nice to have family close by and no one bothers me here. I’ve been working at MTG for years now. But the bosses know I’m a hard worker, so they give me extra assignments from time to time.”
“So you know about their past assistants?” The daiquiri loosens my lips. My curiosity gets the better of me. I want to know about these other women that either gave up on these men or weren’t a good fit.
She laughs. “Okay, the last one was Tiffany. She wore sky-high heels and short little skirts and cared more about her nails than she did getting them the reports on time. I’m pretty sure she was a temp, and they fired the agency after letting her go.”
“What about before her?” I sip the last bit of daiquiri through my straw.
“That would be Rachel.” She nods. “Rachel seemed nice at first. She worked hard and actually got the guys what they needed.”
“What happened with her?” My heart speeds up.
“She gave her two-week notice suddenly and after a week just left, ergo Tiffany the temp.” Hope waves her hand in front of her. “There was nothing wrong with Rachel. She did her job and kept her head down, but I don’t think she was happy about the live-in arrangement.”
“You know about that?” Does everyone know? Is that why the receptionist gave me the cold shoulder and the other women didn’t even smile at me? Are they jealous? Do they have cause to be jealous?
“It’s a big deal to get your own apartment in the building.” Hope nods. “It means they can have you on call night and day, but really, the bosses seem like reasonable men. Have you seen the apartment?”
I swallow and nod. When I saw that enormous bed, I’d fantasized about having them all in it, but maybe that’s the plan. All of us. Together. In one bed.
My face heats. I try to drink more daiquiri to cool me down, but I’m out. How many other women have they had on that bed, though?