The Choice (The Dragon Heart Legacy #3)

Page 40

“Go on with Nan and Marco. We won’t be long.”

“It’s really happening. I’ll be wed in no time at all now.”

“Are you nervous?”

“Not a bit. Oh, let’s go through, Breen, and start. I can’t wait to start.”

“Two minutes. I promised your mother when she said you’d say just that.”

“She knows me too well. Did I tell you I’m getting a pup for Harken for Yule? A water spaniel, like Bollocks. Well then, no dog’s like Bollocks, but from the cousin of his mother. A girl with the sweetest eyes.”

“You didn’t tell me. He’ll love that.”

“He will. There’s been so much going on, I forgot to tell you. Gods, is two minutes over?”

“Nearly. You’re so full of light right now I’m surprised it doesn’t shine up the whole forest.”

“I’m about to burst with it.”

“Okay, close enough. We’ll go slow and make it up.”

She’d been told what to expect, but still it took Breen’s breath away.

Pillars of white candles, tall as a man, created a path around the house, and flowers carpeted it. Overhead in a sky shimmering pink against blue with evening, faeries flew, sending a rain of sparkling dust. Dragons soared with them and sent out a bugling call as Morena spread her wings and flew to her waiting parents.

Flynn kissed his daughter’s cheeks, and Sinead handed her a bouquet of flowers and herbs. And wept again.

“Bright blessings, sister,” Breen said, and started toward the path.

Music began when she stepped on it. Pipes and harps filled the air, as faerie dust sprinkled onto her hair.

At the end of the path, with the hills and fields behind, with the snow-laced tips of mountains distant, Harken stood with Keegan and his mother. The men wore doublets and leather, formal white shirts, while Tarryn wore soft, dull silver.

As Breen smiled at Harken, who had eyes only for the woman who walked behind her, flanked by her parents, she realized she’d never seen him in anything but work clothes.

She stepped beside Keegan. On his other side, Tarryn took his hand and Harken’s for a moment. Then released them.

“I am the mother of Harken, and so I welcome you, Morena, as my daughter.”

“We are the mother and father of Morena, and so we welcome you, Harken, as our son.”

“I come to you in love, Mother, Father, Wife.” Harken held out a hand to Morena.

“I come to you in love, Mother, Husband.”

Morena put her hand in Harken’s, and together they walked under an arbor of flowers, turned to face each other.

“Here we go,” Morena murmured. With a laugh, Harken pulled her to him, kissed her.

“That’s for after!”

“Mind your own, Seamus,” Morena called out to her brother without taking her eyes off Harken’s.

“Do you have words for me, Harken?”

“I do have them, and give you this as well.” He took a ring outof his pocket. “This ring, a circle that never ends. Will you have it from me and me with it, Morena? I’ve loved you your whole life, and pledge here, in front of all, to love you for all of our lives and beyond them. You’re everything I want in all the worlds, and here I promise to treasure who you are in bright days, through dark nights. I give you all that I am and ever will be, and would take all you are and ever will be if you’re willing. Be mine, as I am yours.”

“I will. Ah, bugger it, you’re better at this, and I’ve forgotten what I practiced to say.”

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