Page 43
“That’s my boy,” Dad said, pressing the little box into Jared’s palm. “At times, some might call you impulsive, but I’ve always admired a person who can leap to act on their convictions.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Jared said, giving him a quick squeeze and heading for the door. “You give good advice.”
“Whatever you ask her, I hope she says yes,” Dad called after him.
Jared’s heart was light as he headed out of Timber Run, following the winding road toward town. Cora wouldn’t be home for another hour or so, but he could go to the hardware store and buy everything he would need to install a gate in her fence. That would at least give him a task to occupy his thoughts, so he didn’t drive himself crazy while he was waiting.
Cora watched her students copy down their homework assignment during the last two minutes before the bell rang.
Her gaze landed automatically on Jimmy Allen, who was seated in the second row. He was conscientiously noting down everything she had put on the board.
Jimmy continued to be alert and to participate enthusiastically during each lesson. Many of his other teachers had swung by throughout the week to let Cora know they had seen the difference in him, and that they appreciated what she had done.
She had tried to tell the first person or two that it wasn’t her, but she was coming around to the idea that every single person who had a part in the turnaround at the Allen place should take credit for doing something to help.
Christmas break was coming up quickly, and she couldn’t believe she already had done something concrete to help a student. It felt so good to believe she was needed here and that she had something to contribute beyond teaching the class materials.
She had other reasons to be happy too. She and Sylvester had enjoyed the Hometown Holiday celebration so much. Seeing the wonder on his little face at each town tradition had warmed her heart.
And of course there was the other reason she had enjoyed the day. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Jared Webb, and the casual way he seemed to have taken possession of her little family.
It was hard not to notice everyone in town seeing them together like that. And Jared hadn’t pulled back or seemed to be at all troubled that people might think they were an item.
But the real mystery was why Cora hadn’t wanted to pull back or retreat in the face of that kind of attention.
When she lost Arthur, she had casually thought to herself that there would never be another man in her life. And it wasn’t just that her heart was broken. She was a busy teacher with a little boy to raise. Chances were slim that an eligible man would just drop into her life.
But against all odds, an eligible man had dropped right into her front yard. And now she had to face the idea that she liked him—really liked him, not just that he was good for Sylvester or that he was kind and energetic and unbelievably handsome. Something about Jared made her feel… young. Which was a funny idea, since she hadn’t really felt young even when she was young.
Cora had always been focused and serious. Teaching was her dream, and she knew she wasn’t going to be successful unless she worked hard.
The bell rang, snapping her out of her thoughts, and the kids began filing out of the classroom, talking and joking around happily as they went.
“Thanks, Mrs. Davies,” Jimmy said quietly, as he often did now, then left with the others too quickly for her to reply.
She smiled to herself as she headed to the teachers’ lounge to grab a quick cup of tea before her prep period. Sabrina and Viola whooped and whistled as she slipped into the cozy space.
“What’s all this about?” Cora asked, feeling her cheeks heat because she did know.
“This is Honey Peterson for Channel Twelve News,” Viola quipped. “Rumor has it that quiet schoolteacher Cora Davies is being courted by tall, dark, and handsome cowboy, Jared Webb.”
Sabrina laughed and even Mrs. Brandt, who was sitting at her usual table, was smiling.
“First of all, Honey Peterson is a real journalist,” Cora said primly. “She would never report on gossip, and even if she did she has her own romance to see to. Secondly, there’s?—”
“—nothing going on with Jared,” Sabrina and Viola finished for her in chorus.
“Well, there isn’t,” Cora said sheepishly. “I mean, he’s a nice man and we’ve been spending some time with him lately, including the Hometown Holiday celebration.”
“So why isn’t there anything going on?” Viola asked.
“I… I’m not sure,” Cora admitted. “I never really thought I’d date again after Arthur. And besides, he hasn’t asked.”
“And what are you going to say when he does?” Sabrina asked gently.