Page 43
He sighs. “Why do you want to know?”
“Just do.” I pause. “Help a brother out.”
“Name doesn’t ring a bell.”
Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have been such as ass when I came in here. “Toby, she called you Toby.”
“You know, you made the papers today. A murder. They said it was the Garlands, their MO, but it was one of our people and, well, a higher being?—”
“Or maybe it was God or the cops. Who knows? I’m just a lowly priest, but word is, you were behind it.”
“I know Nicoli told you. Now, the girl? Poppy? Maybe she called herself Poppy-Jane? Or Penelope-Jane Parish?”
He groans. “What did you do to her?”
“Things that’ll make you wish you were a real man and not one in a dress, bro.” I pause. “So, she was here?”
My nerves grow taut. “What did she confess?”
“This is a sacred institution, and whatever she said has nothing to do with you.”
“Humor me, asshole.”
He mutters something I’m not meant to catch.
“Come on,” I urge. “The sooner you tell me what I want to hear, the sooner I get out of here and you don’t have to worry about me saying the word cunt again.”
“You just said it.”
“Fine,” he exhales. “She said something about murderous thoughts, hating you, and wanting you dead for what you did. Shit like that.”
“Maybe blah, blah, and blah was added. I don’t remember. Pretty, though.”
I ignore the deliberate taunt. “Blah blah and you don’tremember? How the fuck do you not pay attention, Toby? That’s like your only job, to pay attention. And wear questionable dresses, but no accounting for taste.”
“Fuck you, Davian. I do this for the Dark Sovereign.” He’s back to pious. “When you’ve listened to more than fifty people’s boring little confessions, they all start to sound the same. Besides, sanctity.”
I scoff. “Hers wasn’t about a stubbed toe, you know, or coveting the next slice of stale cake. Or hating the horrible little yappy dog your neighbor has. This was about me.”
“You’re a narcissist, Davian. You have problems.”
“Says the man in the dress.” He’s not going to tell me anything. I guess in the long run it doesn’t matter. She’s not running off to report anything, and if she did, it’s been too long. She lied to the police as a kid, and my record is spotless.
For all intents and purposes, I’m a businessman who jointly owns a series of clubs, properties, and businesses.
To those who matter within the world of law and order, if I’m known, I’m protected by the Dark Sovereign. Un-fucking-touchable.
“Fine,” I huff. “But just remember this day when you ask me for a favor again.”
“I’ve never asked you for a favor.”