Page 117
“I know, it might be,” she admitted.
“He could have hired someone to do the dirty work. He’s a suit, right?”
Audrey nodded. “He’s an attorney.”
“That seems like that type to have a henchman. He probably has the money. Or maybe he has a shady client who can’t afford to pay him, so he struck a deal. The guy harasses you and your ex will make sure he gets a lighter sentence. Or maybe I’ve been reading too many romantic suspense novels lately.”
“Hiring out the dirty work isn’t a bad theory,” I said. “It would explain how he always has an alibi.”
“The cops would have thought of that, right?” Audrey asked.
“It seems like it,” Marigold said.
I didn’t know what Garrett and the other guys on the case were doing. They wouldn’t tell me shit. Which was probably just part of the job, but it still pissed me off.
Sandra came in and waltzed directly to our table. She plopped into the empty chair with a smug smile.
“What’s going on?” Audrey asked. “You look very suspicious.”
“I quit.”
Audrey’s eyes widened and Marigold’s mouth opened in surprise.
“What?” Audrey asked. “Please tell me you didn’t quit because of me.”
“Damn right I quit because of you. Lou had no right to believe some random person over you. I don’t care what kind of supposed evidence they claimed to have. He should have taken your side. So I walked out. Ledger did too.”
“Are you going to come back if he takes me back?” I asked. “I can’t work there without you and Ledger, especially now.”
“If Lou apologizes properly, like a man, then I’ll consider it. And you better not go back unless he grovels. Make him work for it, Audrey. Don’t accept anything less.”
“I know, you’re right,” she said. “It’s just that I kind of need a job.”
“Oh come on.” Sandra waved off her concern. “You said this job was just to get back on your feet anyway. Maybe this will be the kick in the pants you need to find something better. Besides, it’s not like your landlord will kick you out if you can’t pay rent.”
Audrey laughed and met my eyes. “Yeah, but I can’t take advantage.”
“I’m with Sandra.” I placed my knuckle under Audrey’s chin so she wouldn’t look away. “He needs to make it right with you if he wants you back.”
She gave me a little nod. “Okay.”
“It’s been a big day,” Sandra said. “I need a drink. Anyone else need a drink? Where’s Rocco?”
He appeared next to the table as if by magic. “What can I get ya?”
Sandra looked him up and down with a slight twitch of her lips. “A big grouchy bartender, if you’re offering. Or maybe just a vodka soda. Marigold, sweetie, do you need something?”
“Just a glass of chardonnay for me. Thanks, Sandra.”
“You can put it on my tab,” I said.
He tipped his chin in acknowledgment and went back to the bar.
“Why do you get table service?” I asked. “Rocco makes everyone else order at the bar.”
“I think he likes her,” Audrey said.
“In my dreams,” Sandra said on a sigh.