Mind Games

Page 162

“I could use that lemonade and a few minutes in a chair.”

“I happen to have both.” She paused, pointed when they made the turn that brought both houses into view.

“It’s nice, isn’t it? The way the land rolls, how the houses sit on it.”

“Yeah. Bray’s registered for preschool.”

“I’m going to school with Rolan and Lucas. My teacher’s name is … I forgot, Daddy.”

“Miss Mansfield.”

“That. And I get a backpack with a lunch box and new shoes.”

“This is exciting! I don’t suppose you’d like an Adventures in Endon backpack.”

Enthusiasm bounced on her back. “Okay!”

“I can make that happen. Stop,” Thea warned before Ty told her she didn’t have to do that.

“I run with Bunk.”

“It’s still a little steep, pal. Give it another minute.”

“How many days till school?”

“Sixteen. No, fifteen now. Jesus.”

“Jesus,” Bray echoed.

“Don’t say that in school. Okay, you can run now.”

Bray wiggled down and took off with the dog loping beside him.

“I’d say he’s looking forward to school more than you are.”

“I am, and I’m not. He needs it. I need it. But.”

“It’s the next big step.” A giant one she remembered very well. “I worked myself into a panic at the idea of being the new kid in school. Bray doesn’t have that problem.”

“He can’t wait.”

“So.” She glanced over. “Longer than the summer now.”

“At least until Christmas. I want to see how he does, how school works.”

“Eastern Kentucky’s beautiful in the fall.”

“Looks like we’ll see for ourselves.”

He took her hand as they walked. Then stopped as they came to the end of the trail. “It’s good to see you, Thea.”

“It’s good to see you, Tyler.”

Still holding her hand, he brought his mouth to hers.

Till Christmas, she thought as they continued on.

It felt like another gift.

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