Inheritance (The Lost Bride Trilogy #1)

Page 208

Everything settled back to normal. Even Clover backed off her musical interludes as if she understood Sonya wanted the quiet. She worked through Monday morning without interruption until Cleo came to the doorway.

“Sorry, but I wanted to tell you I’m going to the store. Unless you want me to wait until you can go with me.”

“No, that’s silly, go ahead. I’m fine here,”

“I won’t be too long. Rock Hard’s tonight.”

“How could I forget? I checked with Bree. She said sexy club wear.”

“Is there any other kind? See you later.”

“I’ll walk out with you. It’s time for Yoda to have a round.”

The quiet and normal held, for the walk, back at work. This, she thought, was what she wanted. The big, beautiful house around her, the restless sea outside, the dog napping by the fire.

And her work.

She tried not to worry that if she didn’t get the Ryder job, she’d have an empty schedule very soon.

Something would come, she told herself. Do good work, and something would come.

When Yoda barked and ran down to greet Cleo, Sonya realized she’d worked another three hours. So much for Cleo’swon’t be long.

She shut down and found Cleo in the kitchen, putting away groceries.

“I love Poole’s Bay! I figured you’d text if you needed me, so once I got there, I just had to poke around. The little shops! All so cute.”

Sonya glanced at the shopping bags. “You had some fun.”

“I did. And when Gigi of Gigi’s—that fun little store with clothes and soaps and lotions, made locally—found out I was your friend, she said she’d been thinking about contacting you. She’s seen Anna’s website.”


“Naturally, I told her you were the GOAT, and that with all herlovely things, you’d build her something fantastic. I’d expect a call from Gigi this week.”

“I would love to get a call from Gigi.”

“Gigi’s daughter once dated your cousin.”


“No, one of the other ones. Cole.”

“He lives in London, I think.”

“And Gigi’s daughter lives in Bangor with her husband and two daughters. And a Saint Bernard named Milly.”

“You always get the dish.”

“Yes, I do. Anyway, I had a great time.

“Unless something irresistible comes my way, I may take a few weeks off this summer. Paint and sail and sail and paint, and just wander.”

She tucked the cloth market bags away. “How about a salad with grilled chicken before we get our sexy club wear on?”

“Sounds perfect.”

It didn’t surprise Sonya when she went up to change to find the red dress once again laid out on the bed.

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