Hunting Prince Dracula (Stalking Jack the Ripper #2)
Page 99
Dorin DOOR-een
Dracul DRAH-cool
Draculesti Drah-coo-LESH-tee
Erik AIR-rik
Ileana ih-lee-AH-nah
Liza LIE-zah
Mihnea mee-nah
Mircea MEER-cha
Moldoveanu Mol-DAH-vah-no
Nicolae NEE-kuh-lie
Noah NO-ah
Percy PUR-see
Pricolici pree-co-LEECH
Radu rah-doo
Strigoi stree-GOY
Tepes TE-pesh
Voivode VOY-vode
Wallachia wah-LAH-kee-ah
Wilhelm VILL-helm
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