Forbidden (Blood Ties #7)

Page 11

I tried to fight. Tried tothink.

Had he raped me?

It was the only thing that surfaced.

Had he?

I pushed the question away, trying to slow my out-of-control breaths. The last thing I needed was to faint. I fixed on him instead as he turned his head and looked down. My dress was gone, my bra and panties along with it. My knees were splayed wide, and I was completely bare. He saw it all—a hitch came in my breath—he saweverything.

“Your scars.” He shifted his hand, turning it to grip both sides of my mouth. “Tell me about them.”

“Let me go,” I roared, but my words were brittle and broken.


That’s what I really wanted to say.

Please, let me go. Please, don’t do this.

It took all my strength not to beg.

“You don’t want to tell me?” He trailed his fingers over my breast, then down my body. “That’s fine. I’ll trace them with my tongue, let them tell me themselves. How about that?”

My body clenched with the words. I looked down at my thighs splayed wide. “Get thatthingout of me.”

His hand moved lower, to the top of my pussy and slid down.

I closed my eyes as a shiver tore through my core. Reflex made me fight, desperately yanking the tethers around my wrists as his thumb found my clit.

My pussy clenched. That cold inside me was so raw.

“That man…Michael DiAngelo. Were you planning on having sex with him?”


My mind struggled to catch up, taking far too long to resurrect the lie. What else had I said? I tried to remember, but I was dragged back to how that voice, so devoid of emotion, made my pulse quicken.

Desire rose. Sick, corrupt desire. I tried to yank my knees together and dislodge his sickening touch. “Getthe fuck off me!”I screamed, wrenching my head away.

His cruel grip smashed my lips against my teeth, forcing my gaze back to his. Those dark gray eyes twinkled, incensed with madness. “WereYOUplanning on having sex with him?”

“YES!”I screamed, tasting blood.“YES, I WAS GOING TO HAVE SEX WITH HIM!”

His jaw flexed, his lips curled. His breaths were far too fast for him to be in control. He was violent at that moment. Violent, terrifying…and mesmerizing all at the same time.

For some terrifying reason, I couldn’t look away.

“Then let it be me instead.”


He lowered his hand, grasped my throat, and clenched as he rubbed my clit, pinching the nub until I bucked and twisted, unleashing a scream. One that set the back of my throat on fire.

“Scream all you want.” His grip slammed me against the back of the sofa. “No one can hear you.”

Heat and power radiated from his touch. He circled gently now, slowly sliding both fingers to either side. The more I fought…the more I felt him. The way he pressed his body against me. The way his hand never squeezed too hard.

Just enough.

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