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Big Guy: And yes, you can have your friends over any time you want. But Rob has a standing order to toss any men who try to visit you off the roof, so make sure your friends don’t bring anyone they don’t want dead.
I stare at my phone.
Me: Crazy much?
Big Guy: You seem to bring it out in me.
Big Guy: Have fun with your friends, Angel. We’re about to board a plane for Arizona. Be a few more days yet.
A suspicion niggles in my mind.
Me: Are you flying commercial?
Big Guy: No. I usually don’t.
Big Guy: Most of the time I use flights to catch up on sleep. But I can’t do that on a commercial plane because I don’t know who’s around. Who might want to kill me.
I hold my breath.
Me: You slept on our first plane ride together.
Big Guy: I know. It was a first.
Big Guy: Something about you made me feel safe.
I press the phone to my chest and swallow.
Me: I know the feeling.
* * *
Big Guy: Did you have fun last night?
Me: I did. The bouquet of flowers was a nice touch.
Big Guy: I can’t have your friends thinking poorly of me.
Me: Pretty sure the eight hundred dollars of sushi you had delivered took care of that.
Big Guy: I’m glad you had a good night, Angel.
* * *
Big Guy: Did you enjoy your dinner?
I look downat the mostly empty platters on the coffee table.