Page 59
Me: I have to work Saturday morning.
As soon as I hit send, I realize that could be taken the wrong way.
Me: Meaning I can’t stay out late tomorrow.
“This fucking girl.”
Charles purrs louder.
Me: 8pm at the Booze Hooch
I send the St. Paul address.
Me: Unless that’s too far. I don’t know how close you live.
I lift my head to look out my bedroom window, toward the St. Paul skyline.
Me: That’s not too far.
Nathan: So you’ll come.
I drop my head back down.
Me: I’ll try.
Nathan: Promise me.
My fingers hesitate over the screen.
Me: I have a job tomorrow. If something goes wrong, I could still be working at 8.
It’s mostly true. Though I doubt anything would keep me that late.
Nathan: I can wait all night.
He’s not going to let this go.
And if I’m honest with myself, I don’t want him to.
Me: Fine. If I’m going to be late, I’ll let you know.
I lower my phone onto my chest and roll my neck so I’m staring at my closed closet door.
My phone vibrates.
And keeps vibrating. With a call.
My poor pulse skips again.
Nathan is calling me.