Page 55
So much for stepping back from my legal career.
I flip through pages of the lengthy petition until I find the phone number for Davis and Rich, PLLC.
“May I speak with Jim Davis? This is attorney Hope Kendall.”
I’ve never heard of this attorney or his law firm before, but that’s not so unusual. Empire’s bursting at the seams with attorneys.
“Attorney Kendall, thank you for calling. I assume you received my petition.”
“Yes. What is this nonsense?”
His mocking laughter only pisses me off more.
“Ms. Kendall,” he says in that male-lawyer-condescending tone that reminds me why I hate lawyers so much. “I get that you want to fight for your clients and all, but you’re aware they’re part of a motorcycle gang, right? Most likely one of the named men is the father of my client’s baby.”
Now it’s my turn to do the laughing. “One of those “named men” is my husband, Mr. Davis, I’m guessing Miss March didn’t bother to tell you that, did she?”
The long pause on the other end is all the answer I need. “That’s what I thought.”
“Well, the court will order them to take the test. I can find several witnesses who will testify she had a relationship with one or more of the respondents—”
“Oh, let me save you the trouble, Mr. Davis. I’m well aware of my husband’s past relationship with your client. All of my respondents are more than willing and ready to submit to a DNA test as soon as possible.”
By the sputtering on the other line, he obviously expected a fight.
Inga must be either dumber or crazier than I thought. Who knows what she told this guy.
“Your husband too?”
“He has no problem taking the test. The sooner, the better.”
“Well, it has to be a court-approved testing facility,” he says in a snotty tone.
“You choose the facility and I’ll have my guys there.”
“Okay. Then we need to talk about support—”
“Hang on, if one of my clients fathered that child, you won’t need to worry about child support. You’ll be preparing for a custody case and perhaps a parental alienation suit as well—”
“My client’s a resident of California,” he blurts out, cutting me off.
I probably shouldn’t threaten things I haven’t researched in a while, but I’m too pissed to stop myself now. “Who hid the existence of a child from his father. She can live on Mars for all I care. She doesn’t get to keep the father out of the child’s life all this time and expect to waltz in with her hand out looking for a paycheck while still withholding visitation.”
“Well,” he says, backpedaling. “Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.”
“Yes, let’s.” I call up my own mocking lawyer voice. “Also, let me be clear with you, this testing will be expensive. If it turns out that none of them are the father, which I’m pretty confident will be the case, I’m going to file a motion for costs and fees—”
“Just so you know, I’m a fantastic divorce attorney—in case your husband ends up being the father.”
I don’t even know what the guy looks like, but I can picture his slimy, smug smile.
It’s amazing steam doesn’t shoot out of my ears, but somehow I keep my cool. “That won’t be necessary. I can round up plenty of witnesses who will testify she concocted this paternity test nonsense out of spite for losing her job due to her drug addiction.”
He sputters for a few minutes before recovering enough to lob one final zinger. “I think we both know given her occupation and the candidates’ lifestyles, there’s a good chance we’re going to win.”
I’m too angry to be offended on behalf of anyone at his ridiculous comment. Underneath my outrage, there’s an undeniable confidence lurking. I trust Rock with my whole heart.
My voice is cool and full of conviction when I answer, “I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”
The story continues in After Glow (Lost Kings MC #11).
Click here to find out how it ends.
Continue reading for the Pre-Order/Release week bonus scene, my author notes and more!
Once again, I find myself in the position of having to apologize to you, my lovely, patient readers. I never intended After Burn to be two books. I’ve been writing it for close to three years now. First it was #6.5, then it was moved to #9, then #10.
But I had to get this story out. Many of you continue to write and ask me when or if Rock and Hope will have a baby. In my head, I always knew they would and I knew it needed to happen before Z’s book. (Don’t worry, Z totally agrees with me on this point.)
Then over the summer when I finally could buckle down and pour my heart into After Burn, I started to have concerns. I kept saying to Mr. Lake, “this is a really big story. It should probably be two or three books.” He’d tell me to follow my instincts (and tease me for never being able to write short.)
Except, I had all sorts of reasons why it couldn’t be more than one book. 1) I had promised my readers by the end of After Burn they would know who Grace and Chance were. 2) My readers really want Z’s book.
But this story! There was so much to it! I actually wrote it in six parts. It was the only way to keep it all straight in my head (remember, I’m a pantser, not a plotter.) I could’ve written an entire book about the run to National and the Florida rally (don’t think I didn’t consider it!) I loved bringing in the Iron Bulls MC. I could’ve written about the two clubs mixing it up forever. Maybe Phoenyx will pick up that thread one day.
Honestly, I was worried that no one would buy another book about Rock and Hope let alone two more books about them. So, I went ahead and said it would be one book and one book only. That was the smart thing to do. The better business decision. I wrapped some duct tape around my creative brain and went about my business.
I had another freak-out late in the summer when the book Just. Wouldn’t. End. But I had already revealed the cover for After Burn, committed myself to another project (Knight of Swords, which you totally need to read if you want to learn more about Vapor and Juliet.) I didn’t have the time and couldn’t handle the stress of an additional book release. And I knew if I ended part 1 on a cliffy, I’d have to get part 2 out quickly.
When I turned After Burn into my editor it was complete. Probably the most complete book I’ve turned into an editor in a long time. I loved it, but I wasn’t 100% satisfied with the ending. It felt rushed to me. It was over 116,000 words by this point and I knew I could either trim it down to tighten it up or unleash everything stewing in my head and make it the two books I thought it should’ve been all along.
I chose to pretend it was going to be one book and started cutting out scenes (which my crit partners can tell you is almost impossible for me to do.) The scenes I cut were some of my beta’s favorite ones, so I hesitated again. I loved them too!
I was in Houston for a conference when I finally said, “Fuck it, this is going to be two damn books!”
Then I sat paralyzed with fear about announcing that it would be two books. I needed to arrange for a cover and a release date, editing, rearrange the blurbs (I hate writing blurbs!) and actually write the rest of the second book. I’d put myself in the same predicament as last year with Teller’s books. Something I swore I wouldn’t do again!
Finally, Mr. Lake pointed out that if I published After Burn the way it was, it would eat me alive that it wasn’t the way I wanted it. He also gently reminded me that I was running out of time.
It was two books now. No going back.
By the way, at the time I’m writing these notes, I still haven’t “officially” announced that it’s two books. I put some info on my website and hinted at it here and there in my Facebook group. I spoke to another author who recently was in the same situation and told her I might just leave the note at the end of the book and run and hide. She wisely said, “don’t do that.”
This is probably the mo
st cliff-hangerish book I’ve left you with, but I swear it’s for a good reason. I think you’ll understand why when you read After Glow (or is it going to be After Shock? I should probably figure that out.).And I figured since everyone accuses Slow Burn of being a cliffhanger anyway, “Why the fuck not?” Well, honestly I don’t consider it either book a “cliffhanger.” It’s a romance. Rock and Hope are solid as a couple—no cliffy there.
You know what? I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing anymore. Just know this, I love writing this series and these characters. I want to do it for a very long time. But also know that I try to balance that with my desire to meet reader expectations and make you happy.
Also, I’m an Indie author. For better or worse, it’s just me making these decisions (Which by the way, I love! No publisher today would let me get away with writing six books about the same couple!) I think I can write a lot about Rock and Hope, because their story touches everyone in the club. I like interacting with each of the members through Rock and Hope’s eyes. I also just love them. I love Rock’s struggles between being a good president and a good husband and now a father (maybe to more than one kid!). I love that Hope’s found her place in the club. And even though she’s smart and respected, she still doubts herself from time to time (as we all do, or at least I do—I mean hello, did you read what I said up there about my struggles with this book?.).
So there it is. The story of how one book became two. I never like breaking promises to my readers, but I’d rather break a small promise than make you pay for a book that is not 100% of what I know it can and should be. Now you’ll have two long books instead of one longer-than-average book.
Also know this decision didn’t impact Z’s book in any way. Whether After Burn was one, two, or three books (don’t give me any ideas!), Z’s was never coming by the end of this year. It’s nowhere near where it needs to be to see the light of day. Z’s waited this long, his story needs to be told just right. He’s waited patiently and I won’t shortchange his story just to get a book out. I have a date in mind, but we all know how bad I am at planning stuff, so for now, I’ll keep it to myself.
Hang in there for After Glow (that’s the title I’m going with for now.) I promise you it’s going to blow your fucking mind. You won’t see it coming, but when it does, if you’ve been closely following the series, it will make sense.
Remember, I’ve been planning this book since 2015-2016. I started writing it as I was finishing up White Heat. It’s been killing me to keep it a secret and now I have to keep it a secret just a little bit longer.
Thank you so much for reading!